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COASTAL SNIPpets August 2023

Is anyone else feeling like there are glimmers of Spring just starting to peek through? I know it is still Winter but having a day or two of glorious sunshine is enough to get my hopes up that the worst of the cold weather is behind us for another year. (I choose to ignore the fact that frigid temperatures are still welcoming us in the mornings)

Whether I am slightly ambitious with my weather predictions or not, the fact does remain that we technically only have another month of winter left. This means that we really need to begin planning for Spring and Summer in earnest. Now is the time for weed eradication, mulching and finalising any Winter pruning.

We are now changing gears and commencing our preparation of your gardens to have them looking amazing for Spring and Summer. If you currently have any additional gardening requirements or requests please let us know and we will get them underway.

August to do list:


Weeding is probably one of the least glamorous jobs in gardening, but it is equally probably one of the most important and has a huge impact on your garden's aesthetic. Now is time to get the weeds under control before they flourish and take over in Spring


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